Monday, October 10, 2016

What I expect from this class

    I am currently trying to type this while watching TV... and browsing reddit, also messaging and snapchatting my friends. Needless to say, I am a proficient multitasker. If spending an hour typing this counts as proficient that is.  As the class Living and Working in the Virtual World preludes, we as a society constantly surrounds ourselves in our own virtual worlds. In order to entertain ourselves, communicate with others, earn money; there are plenty of things to do online. But with great power, comes great responsibility. I expect this class to teach me the ethics and responsibility it takes to remain safe online. 

    More so, I am excited to learn about the history of the internet, and how much progress we made between then and now. Personally, I am pursuing a career in computer science, I love to remain up to date with the advances that so many companies are making in the field. I know that there are so many things I can learn about the past advances that have been made as well. The professor said in class how doctors live by a rule of ethics, and mentioned how there are no rules that programmers live by (besides the legal ones, though those seem to be broken occasionally.) But I have never thought about that until now. As a future programmer, what will be required and expected of me not only from my career, but from society. I expect this class to will lead me to the right answers. 

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